Monday, December 26, 2005

S-Boogie and the Vegas Dog

Last night Earth Sign Mama gathered up the family and took us carolling and cookie-delivering to the neighbors. They invited us in to say hi, and S-Boogie was delighted to discover that the neighbors had several yappy dogs. She shrieked and shrieked and shrieked. Then they showed her their humongous cat, which she was equally delighted with (sidenote: S-Boogie also loved Grandma's cat, but the kitty wasn't so fond of the little girl constantly chasing it, yelling, "Kitty cat! Eat your chicken!"). The neighbors asked if S-Boogie has any pets, to which I replied, "No, she doesn't like animals." They didn't buy it, but, being sensitive to my obvious disregard for our four-legged friends, Mr. Neighbor offered S-Boogie a stuffed dog instead. This is, however, no ordinary stuffed dog.

It is a Vegas Dog.

Sadly, Mrs. Neighbor came over this morning shortly after the above-linked video was shot and sheepishly explained that she collects Vegas Dogs and that her husband should not have given that one away. In exchange, she offered a ballerina bear that neither dances nor sings. S-Boogie, being her usual carefree self, thanked Mrs. Neighbor for the bear and waved bye-bye to Vegas Dog.

Foxy and I didn't mourn the passing of Vegas Dog too greatly.


  1. .

    I should say not! And you were right not to!

  2. I can hardly believe that someone would actually desire to have more than one, let alone aspire to collect many, of thoe obnoxious singing and dancing Vegas animals. Thank heavens the neighbor lady came to get it back.

    The video of S-Boogie dancing with the Vegas dog, however, was very cute. She's a good tiny dancer.

  3. .

    Hey, I just found this link and suppose someone should blog on it. Maybe you could recommend it to someone.

  4. Let's hear it for quieter toys!


  5. It is my opinion that the neighbor's husband was NOT mistaken in his gift. I also believe that the wife is psychic. She knocked on the door about thirty seconds after I thought to myself, "I'm just going to take the batteries out of that thing and throw them over the fence".

  6. But do you believe in miracles?

  7. First of all, I would like to say that Mstar Metro is of the devil.

    Secondly, your daughter is quite 'adorable' if that's a manly enough word for me to say. If not, then the term: uhm...entertaining will have to be applied.

    Thirdly, who in Hades' name would actually try to get that thing back?

  8. What song was that? It didn't seem too bad to me, I guess my kids have been given worse!
