Friday, December 02, 2005


Multiple choice:

a. Fob stands for truth, justice, and the American way.

b. Fob: "v. (to fob) to endure multiple hours of 'your mom' jokes" [definition provided by editorgirl]

c. Fob: v. (to fob) to critique others' writing and to have one's own writing critiqued in the Fob writing group

d. Fob: an all-purpose word--can be a noun, verb, adjective, adverb, or, occasionally, a preposition--used to mean just about anything, much like smurf. For example, "It's a fobby day, isn't it, Papa Fob?" or "No fobbing way!" or "Fob over here right now, before I fob you in the fob."

e. Fob: a prefix used to describe all things pertaining to Master Fob, i.e. the Fobcave, the Fobmobile, the Fobarang, and the FobtoothbrushTM.

f. Fob: The Friends of Master Fob, a term referring specifically to the elite group of writers who are currently or ever have been in Master Fob's writing group and generally to anyone who professes amicable feelings toward the master of fobbiness. A brief history of Fob (pre-eg & Marchioness) can be found in this longish post.

g. all of the above


  1. Hey, I get to be first! :D


  2. I'm glad you provided "g." And quoted me.

    Oh, and when I read, "Fob over here right now, before I fob you in the fob," Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper shot out my nose. Picture that face, if you dare.

  3. h. A fob, or more commonly called a key fob, is a small security hardware device with built-in authentication used to control and secure access to network services and data. The key fob displays a randomly generated access code, which changes periodically, usually every 30 to 60 seconds. A user first authenticates themselves on the key fob with a personal identification number (PIN), followed by the current code displayed on the device.

    Key fob is also a word used to describe a key chain and several other similar items and devices. The word fob is believed to have originated from watch fobs, which existed as early as 1888. The fob refers to an ornament attached to a pocket-watch chain. Key chains, car starters, garage door openers, and keyless entry devices on hotel room doors are also called fobs.

    i. "Fresh Off the Boat"

    And finally, from

    j. (1) To cheat or deceive (2) To dispose of by fraud or deception (3) A small pocket at the front waistline of a man's trousers (4) free on board

    Good lord, who knew that FOB had so many different meanings?

  4. I hereby declare all definitions of fob that have nothing to do with me to be null and void. Unless I find a use for them at some point in the future.

  5. What?

    I always thought that "Fob" meant something scatalogical.

    Boy, is my face red.

  6. Scatology? Like Tom Cruise's whacked out religion?

  7. OFB!! OBF!!! BOF!! FBO!
    FOB. Fobby-fob-fob.
    That was fun...

  8. I was going to tease svoid about not having read all of your blog comments lately, but then I realized that his definition of fob was much more extensive! So extra points for svoid! :) (And thanks for the additional info, svoid.)

  9. .

    What I find mysterious is why we chose FOB over FOE. Wouldn't we all rather be FOEs?

    Although since I'm the one who moved away, perhaps FOB was a better choice after all.

    (Also, come to that, everyone else, from Queen Zippergut on down, was a FOB long before they were a FOE....)

  10. Where I'm from, Fob does mean "fresh off the boat." That's what we called newbies from Asia.

  11. Hey, if I'd had my way, we'd have been FOK-ed.

    Oh. And don't tell my husband I said that. He still thinks I'm a good girl. And that I don't cuss.

    Hi, honey! Just kidding! Heh, heh, heh. (Just in case he reads this...)

  12. I should add, for clarity's sake, that I often use Fob as if it were my--and hence my family's--last name. I do this only to confuse you.

  13. FOB...fresh off the boat. I am a FOB. Where i'm from every single person from the south pacific islands, and the lower bits of asia stopping at phillipines, are called fobs because we are so cheap that we can't afford a plane ticket to get to a country, so we take a boat. henceforth the name Fresh off the boat FOB.4.LYF...[n luvin it]sixty.niner all the way man!

  14. k.

    FOB is an acronym for the indie rock band Fall Out Boy. Crowds have been heard to cheer "F! O! B!... F! O! B!" as the band enters the stage area.
