Monday, October 03, 2005

The Saga Continues

Today I started reading Sarah, Plain and Tall to S-Boogie. It seems to be much more effective than Knuffle Bunny, There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly, and Dr. Seuss's ABC in helping her fall asleep. She was out in less than ten minutes.

So now that she's napping and I have time to write, I need to figure out what to write. It's always strange and exciting to be done with something I've been working on for a long time. Suddenly, I can write whatever I want. There are new things stewing in my head I could take a stab at, but I think it would be wiser to go back to some of those things I've finished that need revision before I can do anything with them. I think I'm in the mood for cleaning up the formatting on the epistolary novel Theric and I are working on (which, if you count, brings my total up to six). The working title, though I seriously hope we come up with something better, is The Sophie Saga. It needs a lot of work, but it has potential. If I try hard enough, I can get excited about revision.


  1. .

    I know I enjoy revision. It's just that...when all I've been doing is know....

  2. Say it with me: revision is fun. And requires a certain amount of brain-washing. :)

    btw, love your pic. Looks exactly like you.

  3. Yesterday, I made a big list of all the things that I'm supposed to be writing and sent it to my first-year English professor. He recently did a book signing in the BYU Bookstore and wrote all his former students, begging us to stop by and see him because he was scared of being there for a full two hours and not having anyone actually want to have their book signed. The point is, I'm lazy. He wrote a book and I use anything as an excuse not to write.

  4. Wow Master Fob, you are quite attractive. Related to Christian Bale by any chance? ;)

  5. I can relate to the feeling of not being very excited to revise. Of course, I write source code rather than novels, but the feeling is the same. I am currently working on "revising" some code that I wrote a couple of years ago to improve how it integrates with other pieces of code. I'm having a tough time getting motivated to start.

    When I can't find motivation, I waste away my day finding all manner of distractions to justify not starting; i.e. checking my email 3 or 400 times an hour and responding to email that I would normally leave unanswered (RE: Viagra Rocks), reading blogs of everyone I know and hitting the refresh button on the off chance that a new entry has been posted in the time that it took me to read the last entry, reading through newsgroups and responding to customer concerns, completing that really important online training that I've been putting off for the last 3 years. It's a woeful existance.

    Once I do actually get started, my biggest problem with revising is fighting the urge to rewrite. It is almost as if my code has an expiration date. If I let it sit long enough I can be guaranteed that when I come back to it I will wonder what the hell I was thinking when I originally wrote it. Do you experience a similar effect with your writing?

  6. people are hitting on you on your blog. First writing, now this. Are you determined to be better than me at everything?

    I need to find a good picture for my blog...
