Thursday, October 06, 2005

I'm Watching You (Yes, You)

Today I was putting Blogging: Genius strategies for instant web content on the new book shelf at the library, so of course I stopped to read it. Among other cool tips that I will soon put into effect to make this a more positive blogging experience for you and me, the author suggested that you use to keep track of who's reading your blog. So I signed up for a free account. I must say, I highly recommend it. Take a look at the little link at the bottom of the page to see all the statistics Site Meter tracks.

And please don't visit my blog less now that you know I know you're here.


  1. Note to self: Cut back on checking Master Fob's blog. No more than fourteen per day.

  2. So, will 'anonymous' no longer mean anything?

  3. .

    I just started using blogpatrol and I'm curious to see which of us will have more satisfaction with our tracking....

    (th--who can't login for some reason)

    redph--good or bad; discuss

  4. I think redph is okay, but tttqag is better.

  5. You'll never prove it was me. I have a million different disguises.

  6. Well, I'll come back over and over just to enjoy the nice picture of you. Or Batman or whoever.
