Wednesday, September 14, 2005


My first real (paid) publication, a pair of essays called "Getting Out" and "Staying In" in Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought , is out. The issue came out last week, actually, but just today the library has gotten its copy and put it on the shelf. This being significant because not many people I know actually buy Dialogue so if they read it it'll be at the library and because I work at the library. And because the essays are about being a gay man who has chosen to marry a woman, which will be news to everyone I work with (not that I've chosen to marry a woman; the other part).

I'm excited just to see my name in print and anxious to see how my coworkers respond. It has been mentioned in library-wide meeting minutes that I have essays published in this issue of Dialogue, so it's only a matter of time before someone reads it. One coworker, actually, who happens to also be in my writing group, has already read the article and she said she liked the essays. But then, she's in my writing group so she'd already read some pretty crazy things I'd written. I anticipate that most people will react well--I work with intelligent, mature people--but nevertheless I'm anxious.

I'll let you know if anyone throws a rock through my window.


  1. .

    You know, if you didn't live so close to the library, people would have time to cool down before they got there with a rock....

  2. Having received my copy, (re-)read your essay, and been overwhelmed with all sorts of tingly little varieties of warm fuzzy delight, admiration, and deep solemn respect at seeing you in print, I'm kind of tempted to mail you a rock. Too bad that's kind of expensive.

  3. WOW!!

    I am an occasional passerby of your blog (so don't believe it that only family and friends read this thing). I am completely STUNNED at what I am reading.
    Looking at the time that was posted I see that you were writing it at the very same time I was telling my BIsexual husband (who has taken to journaling his thoughts) to start a blog in case there was someone else out there in the same situation and might accidentally run across it and know he's not alone!!!

  4. .

    I'm ready for an update. Has anyone read it yet?

  5. I'm reentering the world of blogdom...and WHAT DO I FIND?

    A lot of posts. I know read them to catch up.

    But *I* at least, am a loyal fan, and have read the article.
