Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Journey into the Fobcave

Yes, if everyone I knew were jumping off a cliff, I would follow. So now that I've been reading my friends' and my wife's blogs for a few weeks, I'm jumping on the badnwagon.

Why I feel a need to write in addition to the thinly-veiled autobiographical fiction I bring to my weekly writing group and the self-indulgent emailing I do on a daily basis, or where I'll find the time, I don't know. But it never hurts to have another outlet to zippergut, does it?

Enjoy, my fobs.


  1. WHOA--that's BIOGRAPHICAL?? Shame, shame, shame. I am calling the proper authorities this moment.

    Welcome to the wide world of blogdom. Don't worry, you will be assimilated.

  2. OK, I want to know the etymology of the word "zippergut". It is not defined at dictionary.com, webster.com or wikipedia.org and it's only use in google search results is apparently the online "handle" of some teenage video game addict. What gives? Is this a special FOB word?

  3. Zippergut. /zip'pr-gut/
    v. to zip open one's gut and pour out the contents thereof.

    First recorded use in 2004, attributed to Kari of Fob.
